Why Would Ex Read Text Messages but Not Respond

You recently went through a breakdown and while you didn't have the time of your life, nobody died. You're even so on okay terms with your ex just you miss them, a lot.

Now y'all're trying to get back in contact and you're being left on read.
Why won't your ex text you back?

Here are some reasons your ex isn't answering your texts and what to do about it:

1. They're mad at y'all

We've all said something we regret when we're aroused. I once called my great aunt a "slice of garbage" after a couple of sangrias and all she did was beat me at frolf (that's frisbee golf).

hulk text

Try to think if they have any reason to be mad at you. Maybe they constitute out something that you were keeping secret. Peradventure y'all've injure them somehow and they finally had a gamble to procedure information technology. Whatever information technology is, you demand to apologize.

If you retrieve they're mad and you don't know why then practice some sleuthing. Think about talking to a mutual friend But Exist CAREFUL. If it's anyone you think volition written report back to your ex, don't exercise it. Yous don't want them to think y'all're stalking them.

If you tin can't figure you lot why they're mad, either leave them alone for awhile or make a blanket amends. Later on in this video I'll become into more than specifics nearly what this apology text should wait like.

two. They know yous want something

Even though they dumped you, exes aren't as dumb every bit y'all may think. If things ended with y'all begging, pleading, and crying for them to have you lot back, they're going to know that yous texting them is you trying to suck them back in.

Or if you often relied on them for rides, money, or some kind of support, when you were together, they may think you're simply trying to get something out of them. And they're probably in no mood to be helping y'all out.

3. They're trying to movement on

If they're non answering your texts it could be that they're trying to move on.

Does this mean your hopes of getting them back are doomed? Not at all! In fact, this is a good sign. The central give-and-take here is "trying."

no text back

If they have to cutting off all contact to try to move on with their life then that ways they are definitely nevertheless hooked on you.

If they were already over you and then they wouldn't need to avert yous so hard.

four. Yous text too much

Look at the length of their letters and and then await at the length of yours. Are yous sending essays and getting back one discussion answers? Does their inbox look more like an interrogation than a conversation?

How ofttimes do yous text them? Every mean solar day? More?

Perhaps they wouldn't heed texting you, but simply don't want it to have up half their life. You lot're not in a human relationship anymore (for now at least) so the amount of fourth dimension you spend together will naturally be much lower. Texting is a reflection of that.

Take a few days off from texting them.

When you lot resume texting, driblet the frequency mode down. I'm talking in one case a week, if that. Accept a short chat and so get out. Don't text them as well tardily at night or early on in the forenoon. I'd aim for 10 am to viii pm as your texting window.

texting on couch

It's important to as well look at WHY you're texting them. If it's your goal to win them back then every text yous send should be a step towards that goal. I'm non talking begging and pleading, you've done enough of that already.

Y'all need to use texts to brand them miss y'all, to make them jealous, and to make them acquaintance you with fun and happiness.

It has to exist subtle but if you tin can remind them of a specific good fourth dimension you lot had together, pretty soon they'll be wondering why they broke upwards with you in the starting time identify. Hit that like push button if you desire me to make more videos virtually what to text your ex to win them back.

5. They've plant someone new

I know yous don't want to hear this but there's a take chances they stopped texting because they've gotten over you by getting nether someone else. It sucks but you knew this was a possibility when you lot bankrupt upward.

The good thing here is that if it hasn't been that long and so it's probably a rebound which means they're trying really difficult to go over you and so you must still exist on their mind.

This is a tough one to come back from, simply not impossible.

six. They're afraid to get hurt again

What if your breakup wasn't all that one-sided? Maybe you had an on-again-off-once again thing going on for awhile and it was tough on both of you. Or maybe you cheated and broke their heart.

texting knight

Or you didn't take the breakup well: yous yelled, you broke things, and you said some things that hurt their feelings.

This is a big one. There'south no text you could send that would brand upwardly for hurting them. Now it'southward fourth dimension to apologize and break off contact.

You may yet exist able to save your relationship but it'southward going to take a lot of work. More on that later.

7. They're really over you

It could exist that they're not responding to your texts because they're actually over the relationship. This tends to follow a design. Earlier they stopped responding, They were polite to you but seemed distant in their replies. They weren't willing to talk at length and they frequently waited a while to text you back. The conversations slowed to a trickle and now accept dried up completely.

It's hard to accept this ane. You lot even so beloved them and they just don't feel the same style. You'll need to take steps to get back into contact with them and unfortunately texting solitary won't do the task.

8. You're dramatic

Do yous find that you oftentimes go drawn into personal conflict and screaming matches?
Do y'all have to apologize to people more than than once a month?
Have you ever sent a butt flick to somebody's work email?

If y'all answered yeah to whatsoever of these questions and then there's a chance you may be a drama queen (or king).

Your ex loved you despite your drama but they've seen how you treat people who cross you lot and they're afraid if they contact you it will get messy and they'll cease upward on your hitlist.

Real talk: Personal conflict is inevitable and we can all be messy bitches sometimes only you shouldn't let information technology rule your life. I know, I'1000 not your mom, but these people actually aren't worth information technology. If y'all tin avoid drama, your life volition be a lot more unproblematic.

If you lot get angry and experience tempted to respond with some cutting remark, or a chair to the head, have three deep breaths before you exercise anything.

And then What Practise I Practice Next?

I'm going to tell you how to get them to text yous once again. This method starts with (surprise, surprise) one more than text.

This text volition be way different than the other texts y'all've sent them to this bespeak. This is a text to say goodbye. Don't worry, information technology'southward not forever, only you demand to be autonomously from them for a lilliputian while before you tin go them dorsum.

Especially if yous've hurt your ex or have been specially needy, pushy, or pathetic in trying to contact them, you need to wipe the slate clean.

This text will be highly personal depending on your situation just what you lot shouldn't do is beg, plead, or tell them y'all miss them in any way.

Portrait of a happy business woman texting on her phone

Yous need to brand certain this text is perfect. It doesn't need to be beautiful language or big words but it should be natural, curt, and express these three things:

You lot're moving on

They need to know you're moving forrad and that you are interested in creating a new life without them. This shows that you're strong and don't demand them in your life to be happy. And you lot demand to believe it.

Even if you're non going to terminate fighting for your ex, yous need to be able to build a new life without them in information technology for now. The forcefulness and independence you find during your fourth dimension apart will exist crucial to winning your ex dorsum.

Try saying something like:

"You were a really of import role of my life but I desire to move forward, not backwards. I think information technology's best that nosotros don't talk for awhile."

Y'all wish them the best

You may have had your ups and downs and you're definitely in a down at present, but you lot loved this person. Try to think that. Yous need them to know that while you may still exist upset, you don't have any hard feelings towards them and you want them to be happy.

How almost:

"Maxim goodbye is hard only there are no difficult feelings for me. I only want us both to be happy."

You're sorry

If you cheated, yelled, broke things, or hurt them, even if what they did was worse, you need to repent to them. This doesn't mean that what they did was okay but that yous regret how you reacted to it because you didn't want to hurt them.

Attempt saying something like:

"When nosotros broke upwards, I did/said some things I regret and I want to apologize for that. I'm sorry."

Now Say Goodbye

At present that you lot've said goodbye, you need to actually say goodbye.

Don't text, call, email, or contact your ex in ANY WAY for at to the lowest degree a calendar month. I know it seems like the contrary of what you should do in this state of affairs. How can y'all get them dorsum if you're not talking to them? Slow downwardly. This is but part one of this process.

woman watching sunrise

This is chosen the No Contact Flow and is a keen way to begin trying to go your ex back. Information technology'southward like hitting the reset push on your human relationship.

If they're used to being constantly bombarded with texts and you hit them with radio silence, they're going to exist wondering what's going on.

A few things volition happen then, without y'all having to do anything at all:

  • They'll start to meet you differently. It's hard to respect someone who has been constantly trying to contact yous even when y'all don't respond. They'll see that you've finally grown a backbone.
  • They'll start to wonder if you've moved on and what you're doing now that'southward so much more interesting than texting them.
  • Their heed will run wild and they'll begin to become jealous, thinking that you lot may have found someone new and better than them.
  • They'll get-go to miss y'all. If you continue texting them, they don't have a chance to experience your absence and realize what an important part of their life you were. It's true that you don't know what you've got til it's gone.

Don't be surprised if after a month your ex has realized their fault and is correct back in your arms!


Source: https://www.jessicaboss.com/why-your-ex-wont-text-back/

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